Saturday, November 7, 2009

1Malaysia 1Flip 1Flop

A search on wikipedia reveals several definitions of flip flop.
  • In digital circuits, a flip-flop is a term referring to an electronic circuit (a bistable multivibrator) that has two stable states and thereby is capable of serving as one bit of memory.
  • A "flip-flop" (used mostly in the United States) or a U-turn (used in the United Kingdom) is a sudden real or apparent change of policy or opinion by a public official, sometimes while trying to claim that both positions are consistent with each other. Often it will occur during the period prior to or following an election in order to maximize the candidate's popularity.
  • Flip-flop, a role reversal between two men during a single sexual encounter.
The first definition on electronics is quite familiar with me and anyone who has done electronics subjects in school or university.

The second definition gained popularity in Malaysia ever since Pak Lah's infamous indecision over his tenure as PM. But just as everyone thought the era of flip-flop has given way to 1Malaysia, things had it otherwise. The first major flip-flop decision has just been declared. The recently announced compulsory fitness tests for vehicles above 15-year old age is now cancelled. That is yet another high flip and resounding thud of flop, that is typical of Bolehland. Looks like things haven't really changed much.

The third definition on sexual encounter is the first I've ever come across.

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