Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day trip to Batam

Had a day trip to Batam on Friday. My first visit to Indonesia. It was a working trip though I achieved nothing workwise. Instead, I felt that my perspective of Indonesia has changed after this visit. We normally associate Indonesians with lawlessness, poverty and robbery thanks to some Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia. However, I must say Indonesia (or at least Batam) is not really what I've imagined. Then again, most would liken Batam to Singapore more than to Indonesia.

I recalled someone telling me the scary crowd at the ferry terminal in Batam. However, I found Batam's ferry terminal safe and clean. The crowd was definitely more civilized that the ones in Puduraya or Larkin! The streets of Batam seemed clean with no litter. The town (around Batam Center area) was well-planned and systematic.

I was at the office of one government-linked company. What struck me as most interesting was the attire of the people. All the guys seem to be wearing Batik. Somehow, that gave a very laidback, calm and dignified impression. The people were friendly and very helpful, unlike probably some of the government departments back home in Malaysia.

The shopping complex opposite the ferry terminal was lively and it was actually playing CNY songs. Things have definitely changed dramatically in a country that used to persecute Chinese. In fact, I found Batam Mega Mall better than many other complexes in JB.

So, while I have accomplished nothing workwise and definitely realigned my impression of the sleeping Indonesian giant. One day (Or maybe it's happening now), they'll definitely move ahead of Malaysia. And what more with all the crap and shit Malaysia is nowadays.

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