Monday, February 8, 2010

When You Believe - Agnes Monica

Agnes Monica is a talented singer from Indonesia who started singing since she was 6. Indonesian entertainment scene has always been way ahead of Malaysia. They are definitely more open and not subjected to as much restrictions as the Malays are back home in Malaysia. Great singers like Broery Marantika and Kris Dayanti are household names even in Malaysia so much so I even used to listen to a CD of Dayanti. On the contrary, I don't ever recall buying a CD of any Malaysian singer.

Agnes actually has a rather controversial song (well controversial in Malaysia but not in Indonesia) which I am sure will never see the light of day in Malaysia. The song by the way is broadcast over RCTI. The title, translated into English is "God Cares". I am not a Christian but I do believe goodness is universal regardless of religion. The song is touching and sang with great emotions by Agnes.

Hopefully, one day Malaysians will see it in a positive light. As it stands, I doubt that will happen any time soon. Well lets hope Malaysians regardless of faith will continue to uphold the spirit of unity, peace and non-violence in resolving all issues. Yes, we can continue to sweep everything under the carpet but for how long?

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