Sunday, May 3, 2009

Power Cuts and More Power Cuts

The season of power cuts is now back in Syria. When I first arrived, there was a series of power cuts as it was winter with all the heaters running at full blast. It was practically impossible for any power station outage then due to the shortfall of supply. There was daily power cut lasting anything from 1 to 3 hours each day. It seems that they take turns to cut off supply to different parts of the provinces.

Then all was okay as it entered spring as we no longer need to use the heaters. But now, summer is starting (actually it still feels cold where I'm staying) and maybe some areas are becoming warm. So again, there is a shortfall of energy as more people are turning ON their A/Cs. Looks like I'll have to bear with the power cuts for some time to come.

So for all Malaysians.... do not complaint about TNB. At least we do not have to bear with power shortage every day!

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