Thursday, August 12, 2010

来来回回 (Back and forth)

有相聚 有分离 还是始终喜欢你
明月清风总给我希望 分开终于依然一起
我等待 我希冀 如像初春的天气
无论天青天阴洒雨洒雾 心感觉也会很美
*来来回回仍念记 从前曾陪伴你
浮浮沉沉怀缅 多么似旧影戏
犹犹疑疑来读你 留下红唇日记
原来从前曾为我 不多讲爱你便生气
若我知 假设若我知 才几声爱你导致别离
在那天讲一千句 我一生也爱着你
在这天 准我在这天 弥补表爱意没有限期
为你讲 讲千亿句 一生一世也爱你
有相近 有分歧 还是始终痴恋你
明白必须讲心里说话 否则不可能一起
我等待着我希冀 还像初春的天气
而无论天青抑天阴洒雨洒雾 只想再碰着你 REPEAT *

Quite in the mood for old Cantonese songs. Must be the "Save Cantonese" campaign in Guangdong & Hong Kong having an effect on me!!! Anyway, happened to tune in to 8TV Chinese serials today. It was showing 家好月圓 with Jacky Cheung's 來來回回 playing in the background. That was when the young 官家仔 was bidding farewell to 于素秋 at the ferry terminal. The song suddenly turned on my nostalgia of old Chinese songs again... they just don't make songs like they used to. And Mandarin is definitely killing off Cantonese songs....

Actually Mandarin has become so overwhelming nowadays that kids are no longer speaking Cantonese, which is really a pity. And I find my Cantonese also rusting from lack of use, what more with me being in JB where the lingua franca of the Chinese community happens to be Mandarin. I've gotten so used to Mandarin that sometimes I'm ordering in Mandarin even when in KL. Damn... can't let Mandarin take over my tongue! In fact, it's not even my mother tongue... Mandarin is the mother tongue of the Beijing-ers, not the southerners! It shot to fame and became the common language of China during a "referendum" in 1911 where Mandarin beat Cantonese by only 1 vote to become the national language of China!

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