Saturday, May 19, 2007

Getting Tagged

Map of My Present Work Site
Apparently I was ‘tagged’ by Sara and as the tradition goes I have to follow the instructions in her blog. And well I shall pass this on to my readers too! Here it goes...

If you read the following blog, you are tagged... and have to copy the contents, change to your answers and paste it on your blog.

Describe the last animal or insect you saw.
Arabian flies – there are plenty of them here!

What was the last thing you ate?
2 pieces of prata with dhal! I kinda missed roti canai and today decided to go down to Ruwais for a roti breakfast. Not as nice as in Malaysia but still satisfied my little craving.

Who was the last person you talked to online?
Bui – just as I was typing this!

Where are you now?
NCC Shuweihat Village – previously known as Siemens Camp.

Who do you have appointments with today?
None. It’s my rest day.

Which song is playing on your PC now?
Hmmm…. None.

What was the last blunder you made?
I was looking for my clothes wash detergent in the fridge! Silly me...

Cover your hand over your eyes, and imagine something. What do you see?
Home sweet home.

What smell is lingering on your clothes right now?
I just came back from a hair cut. Some hair cut smell.

Where was the last place you went to before sitting in front of the PC?
Kitchen. I was just unpacking my grocery after shopping in Ruwais.

What was the worst thing you tasted this week?
Indian vegetable with a western set - just don't go along!

Name your favourite movies.
As Good As It Gets, There's Something About Mary, Fly Me To Polaris

Pick 10 random nouns from your answers above.
Arabian - Prata - Bui - Camp - Rest - None - Fridge - Home - Kitchen - Polaris

Make a nonsensical or interesting paragraph from the nouns you picked to shoutout something to the world!
I was driving out into the dark Arabian desert when I chanced upon a quiet hut by the road side selling prata. Since it was supper time, I stopped by to fill my stomach. Lo and hehold I met Bui. She must be really bored in Kuching so she decided to come over for a camp trip. A rest she was hoping - none too little too! I walked over to the fridge to get some ice cubes for my Milo (I found Milo in UAE!!) I stopped on the path as the fridge reminded me of home - made in Malaysia fridge (MEC!) Ooops, but I saw the kitchen which I should not have just as you should never look into the kicthen of your favorite Mamak stall. For it will make you wish you are in the Polaris. (???)

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